Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Network Learning Project Update, Assessing Success

In order to assess my project I think it is important to determine what success would look like.  I think that success in this project is ultimately creating a launcher that functions within my requirements.

1. Must fire a tennis ball at least 100 feet.

The whole issue with the K9 Kannon was that it was severely under powered and ultimately not as cool as it sounded.  Since I'm taking the time and energy to design and build my own launcher it needs to have good range.

2. Must be compact in size.

The launcher must also be of a reasonable size.  If I can't carry it around my yard or easily store it then there is a very clear issue.  This also means that I don't plan on hooking up to a air compressor because those are quite large and have no mobility. Although I will reserve the compressor idea as a potential fill option, just not as the only one.

3. Must be reasonably easy to operate.

I want this thing to be simple so that other people can have fun with it too.  It will also likely be more reliable if it isn't too complicated.

4. Must be reasonably affordable.

Since I'm a full time intern and graduate student I don't have a lot of cash to throw at this.  All of my designing decisions will be made with cost in mind.  I'm going to place an absolute cap at $40 on the entire project with a target cost of $30.  This means that I will have to use materials I already own or get for free before purchasing new ones.

I think that in order to be truly successful I will need to meet all of these requirements or at the very least three of them.  Number 4 is really the only absolute requirement so if I have to cut corners on 1,2, and 3 in order to make 4 happen then that is okay.

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